As commoon public we are very much intested in knowing the deliberate negligence/consipiracy/political anlge in the mysterious deatch behind the The Great and beloved our Leader Dr. Ys Rajasekhar Reddy mystrious death
We urge the YSR congress party to take this up with their / with the help of any other investigation agency as top most priority than any other welfare schmes to bring the facts out.
We belive strongly there was a political nexus to elimintate YSR whe was that time emerged a successful leader which a section of political mafic could not digest.
This doubt also can be substantiated with the way the CBI JD Laskhimi Narayan conducting the interroagation in YSJ asssets case.
Becasuse it was the same JD who lead the investigatin in YSR mysterious death.
One thing is clear in the YSJ assets case is that, JD Laksiminaran's sheer interest is to grill YSJ, no other agenda that this.His whole interest is to grill YSJ by establishing quid co pro nothing else.
For a while, if we keep quid proc co aside and look at the case, there is substance in the charge sheets filed by CBI.
Actually, CBI JD shall be interrogated for his quid pro co activities.
In regards, to no of charge sheets being files on FIR, CBI JD substantiates his stand by citing the Gujarat riots case.If citing that example is correct, then giving bail to YSJ refering KA Paul bail can be cited in the court.
First of all, the word quid pro co is irrelavent in the episode of the entire case as log as the 26 GOs are concluded to be wrong or right.
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4 Comment :
website is superb.plz visit my blog on ysr & ys jagan and give back link to ur site.
website was awesome..... latest pics and news are available about ys jagan thankqqqqqq
As commoon public we are very much intested in knowing the deliberate negligence/consipiracy/political anlge in the mysterious deatch behind the The Great and beloved our Leader Dr. Ys Rajasekhar Reddy mystrious death
We urge the YSR congress party to take this up with their / with the help of any other investigation agency as top most priority than any other welfare schmes to bring the facts out.
We belive strongly there was a political nexus to elimintate YSR whe was that time emerged a successful leader which a section of political mafic could not digest.
This doubt also can be substantiated with the way the CBI JD Laskhimi Narayan conducting the interroagation in YSJ asssets case.
Becasuse it was the same JD who lead the investigatin in YSR mysterious death.
Please consider this urge as the utmost priority.
A common public.
One thing is clear in the YSJ assets case is that, JD Laksiminaran's sheer interest is to grill YSJ, no other agenda that this.His whole interest is to grill YSJ by establishing quid co pro nothing else.
For a while, if we keep quid proc co aside and look at the case, there is substance in the charge sheets filed by CBI.
Actually, CBI JD shall be interrogated for his quid pro co activities.
In regards, to no of charge sheets being files on FIR, CBI JD substantiates his stand by citing the Gujarat riots case.If citing that example is correct, then giving bail to YSJ refering KA Paul bail can be cited in the court.
First of all, the word quid pro co is irrelavent in the episode of the entire case as log as the 26 GOs are concluded to be wrong or right.
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